The Museum is open during normal business hours Monday to Friday and
weekends by request.
To confirm a tour, or for more information please call the Museum at
519-822-2441, ext. 590. Or, email the Curator, Nori Irwin-Hann at
595 Southgate Road
Guelph, Ontario
Guelph is located 40 minutes West of Toronto or 3
hours East of Detroit.
Click for recent tours

Recent Tours
On October 22nd, 2011, the Museum welcomed employees of
Hammond Power Solutions (Walkerton Plant). Arriving by bus, they toured the
HPS Distribution Center, Guelph Plant and the Hammond Museum of Radio.
During lunch, the Curator, Noreen Hann and volunteers John Hann and Larry
Asp enjoyed meeting and talking with the employees.

Under the leadership of Ken Coughlin K8KC, approximately 25 members of the Utica Shelby Emergency Communications
Association (USECA) and the CCA (Collins Collector Association) from
the Detroit area visited the Museum on March 27, 2004.
CCA President Floyd Soo W8RO ran the CCA Net from the VE3HC Memorial
Station at the Museum using the Collins S-line.
Lloyd VE3IIA(r) with a
visitor in Military section |
President Floyd W8RO on the S-Line |
Ken Hammond (2nd from
left and Brother of Fred VE3HC
SK) visits with visitors
during lunch. Tour organizer Ken N8KC and his wife Denise KC8IPF are
seated on eiother side of Floyd (center) |
CCA President Floyd W8RO (l) with some CCA & USECA
members visit in the tube collection area of the Hammond Museum. |
March 28, 2004
Noreen & Paul,
On behalf of the Utica Shelby Emergency Communications
Association (USECA) and the Collins Collectors Association (CCA), we'd like
to THANK YOU BOTH and Lloyd, John, Ken and Rob for the Red Carpet treatment
that we all got from all of you! Please pass along our thanks to all the
volunteers and to the Hammond's for taking the time out of their weekend to
make us feel like family! All of us will be talking for months about this
trip and we are sure that more of the club members (from both clubs) will be
interested in visiting soon! Words cannot describe what we all chattered
about after we left the museum yesterday! Everyone expected to be blown away
by the collection of radio equipment, what everyone was NOT expecting was
the fabulous hospitality that all of you demonstrated to us!
All we can say is THANK YOU in the warmest, most sincere manner that we can!
73, Floyd Soo, W8RO
Technical Director, USECA
President, Collins Collectors Association (member #2)
We QSL 100% via the bureau
or Direct with SASE